Corrosivity categories for coating systems selection by ISO 12944

Atmospheric corrosivity categories for coating systems selection by ISO 12944

Corrosivity category Service environment (Exterior) Service environment (Interior)
C1 very low Heated buildings with a clean atmosphere
C2 low Atmosphere contaminated to a small extent, mainly rural regions. Buildings which are not heated, where condensation may occu
C3 medium Industrial and urban atmosphere with an average sulphur oxide (IV) contamination level. Inshore areas of low salinity. Production space of high humidity and certain air contamination e.g. foodstuff plants, laundries, breweries, dairies.
C4 high Industrial areas and inshore areas of medium salinity Chemical plants, swimming pools, ship repair yards.
C5-I very high (industrial) Industrial areas of high humidity and aggressive atmosphere. Buildings and areas of almost constant condensation and high contamination.
C5-M very high (marine) Inshore areas and offshore areas of high salinity Buildings and areas of almost constant condensation and high contamination.

The water and soil corrosivity categories for coating systems selection according to the ISO 12944

Corrosivity category  Service environment
Im1 fresh water River installations, hydroelectric power plants
Im2 sea or brackish water Seaports with the following structures: sluice gate, locks (water steps), water stilts, piers, offshore structures
Im3 soil Underground tanks, steel stilts, pipelines


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